
Tue. Jul. 2

9:00, Registration, Coffee & Refreshments
9:20, Opening Speech
9:30–10:30, Ulrike Tillmann , Homology stability for generalised Hurwitz spaces and asymptotic monopoles
11:00–12:00, Mayuko Yamashita, Topological Modular Forms and supersymmetric quantum field theories
Lunch Break
14:00–15:00, Zhouli Xu, Computing differentials in the Adams spectral sequence
15:15–16:15, Weinan Lin, Programming in the computation of homotopy groups of CW spectra
16:30–17:30, Guozhen Wang, generalized Leibniz rule

Wed. Jul. 3

9:00, Coffee & Refreshments
9:30–10:30, Gijs Heuts, Periodic localizations of homotopy theory and Hopf algebras
11:00–12:00, Po Hu, Equivariant Lazard rings
Lunch Break
14:30–15:30, Mark Behrens, Equivariant chromatic homotopy theory
16:00–17:00, Adela (YiYu) Zhang, Universal differentials in the bar spectral sequence

Thu. Jul. 4

9:00, Coffee & Refreshments
9:30–10:30, Igor Kriz, Self-conjugate cobordism
11:00–12:00, Yunze Lu, Equivariant formal group laws and Quillen theorem
Free Afternoon

Fri. Jul. 5

9:00, Coffee & Refreshments
9:30–10:30, Jesper Grodal, Picard groups in equivariant algebra and topology
11:00–12:00, Sophie Kriz, New developments in symmetric tensor categories
Lunch Break
14:30–15:30, Hans-Werner Henn, Chromatic splitting for the determinant sphere at n = p = 2 and the K(2)-local Brown Comenetz dual of the sphere at p = 2
16:00–17:00, Jin Cao, The resolution of the motivic fundamental group of a punctured elliptic curve

Sat. Jul. 6

9:00, Coffee & Refreshments
9:30–10:30, John Greenlees, Algebraic models for rational equivariant cohomology theories for toral compact Lie groups
11:00–12:00, Prasit Bhattacharya, Equivariant Weiss Tower
Free Afternoon