[Photo] taken June 9th, 2018, Shenzhen, China
Note: All talks take place in Teaching Building 1, Room 301, except that the afternoon talks on Thu. June 7 are in Room 107.
The lecture rooms are classrooms and there will be rings at class times.

Wed. June 6

8:30 am, Coffee & Refreshments
9:00–9:45, Michael Hopkins, Some problems in homotopy theory inspired by questions in physics
[Slides] 10:05–10:50, Xiangjun Wang, On the homotopy elements h0hn
11:10–11:55, Irina Bobkova, Spanier-Whitehead duals in the K(2)-local category
12:00 pm, Lunch Break
[Slides] 2:30–3:15, Haibao Duan, Schubert calculus and cohomology of Lie groups
3:35–4:20, Yifei Zhu, Toward calculating unstable higher-periodic homotopy types
4:40–5:25, Eva Belmont, Chromatic localization in an algebraic category
6:00 pm, Banquet

Thu. June 7

8:30 am, Coffee & Refreshments
[Slides] 9:00–9:45, Lars Hesselholt, Higher algebra and arithmetic
10:05–10:50, Gerd Laures, Chromatic atoms of Thom spectra
[Slides] 11:10–11:55, Guozhen Wang, Motivic Cτ modules
12:00 pm, Lunch Break, Afternoon Talks in Room 107
2:30–3:15, Yi Jiang, Teichmuller spaces of negatively curved metrics on hyperbolic manifolds
3:35–4:20, Nora Ganter, Categorical traces and orbifold invariants
4:40–5:25, Jeremy Hahn, Dyer-Lashof operations in the Morava E-theory of n-fold loop spaces

Fri. June 8

8:30 am, Coffee & Refreshments
[Slides] 9:00–9:45, Douglas Ravenel, Model categories and stable homotopy theory
10:05–10:50, Nathaniel Stapleton, Chromatic homotopy theory is asymptotically algebraic
[Slides] 11:10–11:55, XiaoLin Danny Shi, The slice spectral sequence of a height 4 theory
12:00 pm, Free Afternoon

Sat. June 9

8:30 am, Coffee & Refreshments
[Slides] 9:00–9:45, Jie Wu, Simplicial James-Hopf map and decompositions of the unstable Adams spectral sequence for suspensions
10:05–10:50, Tom Bachmann, Loop groups in 𝔸1-homotopy theory
11:10–11:55, Daniel Berwick-Evans, A geometric model for complex analytic equivariant elliptic cohomology
12:00 pm, Lunch Break
2:30–3:15, Tomer Schlank, Anabelian Bousfield lattice and presentable modes
3:35–4:20, Elden Elmanto, Motivic contractibility of the space of rational maps